Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cleveland to Participate in National Tea Party Movement

On Thursday, IVSNN spoke with Ralph King, a media organizer for the Cleveland Tea Party movement.

Cleveland is one of hundreds of major cities throughout the country to hold one of these events, which is part of the National Tea Party movement. This nationwide movement, was initially started when CNBC On-Air Editor Rick Santelli, did a rant expressing his anger over the government subsidizing mortgages with taxpayers money.
The event is to be held on April 15, which is also the deadline for taxpayers to file their federal income taxes. The event is for those who wish to speak out against the local, state, and federal taxes. King said that there are over 200,000 people who are collectively participating in the movement nationwide.

According to their website, “This grassroots effort has and will continue to bring like-minded people together. People like you who are tired of working harder while the government takes a bigger piece of your pie.”

“The people need to understand that it’s not about Republicans, it’s not about Democrats. It’s not about conservatives, it’s not about liberals; to some extent, it’s not about the second amendment it’s not about any of the social issues.” King said in during the interview.

“It’s about, that much of this spending, is not helping put Americans back to work. It is about the survival of our country.”

He also said, “The intent of this is to tell Washington, ‘Look, we’re fed up. You guys got to start doing what you’re supposed to be doing, and thats doing what supposed to be right for the American people.’”

When asked about the 3/4% tax increase to fund the new medical mart and convention center, he stated that he remains very skeptical about the medical mart. He said that he had gotten over 1,000 signatures against the tax increase which he said was, “an illegal tax upon the people of Cuyahoga County”, and that it was, “forced upon us”.

Some big names in the media have endorsed this movement. Among them, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck. Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has also endorsed this movement.

The speakers at this event include, Jim Trakas, a former Ohio State Representative, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, Ohio State Senator Tim Grendell, Dave Morgan, a retired U.S. Army Captain, Former Ashtabula County Auditor, Sandy O’Brien, Bob Frantz from WTAM 1100, as well as business owners, and blue collar workers.

King says that, he would like to get more Democrats involved in the movement. He said that they attempted to contact Senator Sherrod Brown, but he has not responded back.

As a non-profit organization, they were required to pay a $500 fee if they wanted to use city space. King told IVSNN that the fee had been paid.

The event is to be held at Mall C in downtown Cleveland, on the 15th. For more information you can visit their website.

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